Pakistani military targeted and an informant eliminated in Panjgur- BLA

Pakistani military targeted and an informant eliminated in Panjgur- BLA

Baloch Liberation Army spokesperson Jeeyand Baloch said in a media issued statement that Freedom fighters of Baloch Liberation Army targeted Pakistani military in Panjgur, and an enemy informant was also eliminated.

Jeeyand Baloch Last night freedom fighters of BLA attacked a post of occupying Pakistani military in Rakshan Kaor, Panjgur. At least two enemy personnel were injured in the attack.

He added that After the attack, the enemy troops fired indiscriminately and also used surveillance drones. However, Baloch freedom fighters safely reached their destinations after the successful operation.

The spokesman said that in Gichk, Panjgur BLA fighters delivered death sentence to Shaukat, an arrested enemy informer.

Jeeyand Baloch said that BLA arrested Shaukat two weeks ago. He surrendered before the enemy troops in 2020, and was working as a paid informant for the enemy forces.

He added that During interrogations, Shaukat confessed that he was involved in activities against Baloch freedom fighters, including informing the enemy forces of movements of Baloch activists. He also collaborated with the enemy troops during the enemy aggressions in Gichk and Solair.

The spokesman further added that He confessed his direct involvement with Pakistani military in various crimes including enforced disappearances, burning houses and forcing civilians to abandon their homes.

The Baloch national court awarded Shaukat s/o Maula Baksh death sentence for his treasonous crimes, said Jeeyand Baloch 

He said that BLA will continue its operations against the occupying enemy forces until their full withdrawal from Balochistan. Elements on the payroll of enemy forces will be brought to justice.